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01. Introduction of the book If you are curious about the “real story” of asteroid collisions vs. false asteroids? #Asteroid #SolarSystem #Celebrity #Space Science “Asteroids are that important?” “They’re very close to us!” On September 24, 2023, a capsule containing the soil of Bennu, an asteroid, arrived on Earth. The soil has been identified with water and carbon, the basic substances that make up life. Scientists believe that asteroids will unravel the secrets of the creation of the solar system. This is because they remain the same as fossils from 4.6 billion years ago when the solar system was created. Asteroids come to mind when they think of themselves as they were from a scary charge to Earth. The book tells the true story of an asteroid, which had been vaguely considered. Now, it is easy and enjoyable to introduce from the perspective of teenagers, from the history of discovering the first asteroid Ceres, to the possibility of actually colliding with Earth. Space science, which felt distant with various anecdotes such as the names of mythical gods, the dagger of Tutankhamun made of meteorites, and the landing process of probes that were close to impossible, is now a step closer. In the upcoming space era, let’s go to an asteroid!#SpaceExploration #NearEarthAsteroid “Where on earth are asteroids?” “There are more than 30,000 asteroids near the Earth alone!” Now that Korea is the seventh lunar explorer, it will be asteroids on our next journey. This is because there are asteroids as well as the moon around the Earth. But is the Earth now completely safe from collisions with asteroids? Where and how did the asteroid get closer to the Earth? Why is the world scrambling to explore asteroids today? The book covers a wide range of questions, starting with the possibilities of asteroids in the near future. We bring up the latest information one by one, including humanity’s first ever global defense experiment in which a $400 billion probe was thrown into an asteroid, the asteroid belt, which is home to near-Earth asteroids that humanity has discovered for millions of years, and the Cycling of asteroids that contain metal minerals. The book points out various issues and future prospects, including debates over ownership of resources from asteroids and space treaties. If you read too hard, you will have scientific knowledge and a wide range of thoughts about the future of the universe.You can download materials from other publishers’ blogs that enhance literacy, presentation, discussion, and creativity. (blog.naver.com/darun_pub)Attachments Today – Asteroid_3-D(r).png File DownloadToday, Asteroid Author Kim Myung-jin Publishing is released on December 11, 2023.Today’s Asteroid Oddock Series 04Download Attachment Odeodock_Asteroid Table 1.jpg file

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